Consider adding distance measurement to weather radar
I operate a kayak tour business in the Caribbean and rely on your app every night as one input into the forecast I give my guides before our bioluminescent bay tours. The weather radar view have been a great help to that. When I forecast if a cell will hit our Bay during our tour, I use time, speed and distance to estimate arrival time of bad weather. Your route planning tool is a great help, however when I use it on the weather map it gives a message saying that the maps are out of synch and that the measuring tool is not supported on the radar view.
Would that be an easy thing to fix?
Keep up the great work!
Sea Thru Kayaks VI
St Croix, USVI -
Distance measurement is already available on Radar layer, but not the Route planner feature which includes distance measurement and weather forecast along the route.
Route planner is only based on the forecast of a weather model, i.e. on the predict weather for the next hours / days.
A weather radar is a tool which provides past and present pictures of precipitations. Windy provides an extrapolation of the last picture for the next hour.
I can’t imagine how the Route planner could be based on past data and I know that global models are not able to forecast precisely convective cells.
How you manage radar data is probably the best way to ensure a safe navigation.By the way, have you tried the high-resolution model AROME available in the Lesser Antilles?