Colour schemes
The choice of colour schemes for some measurements is most confusing. Take wind for example: 0 - 10 kts is for all intents and purposes the same as 40 - 60 kts. Pressure: you could be forgiven for confusing 1000 with 1030 hPA. While with a bit of thought it is possible to know which range you are dealing with, IMHO to spread the range from min to max through the rainbow spectrum, i.e. from blue to green to yellow to red would be far more intuitive. A similar issue is: what if there is no colour, i.e. grey? Does this mean "don't know" or zero?
While in theory one can modify the colour scheme in settings, the sheer quantity of settings for all parameters makes this too daunting to bother. What might be of value would be to create a default which could then be applied to all the different parameters, where the chosen colour steps would be applied evenly between min and max.