More Suggestions
During a time I was using your app, I decided to give time for myself for these suggestions:
- save multiple color scales of different types (Scale A: blue to purple, Scale B: green to red)
- change the playback speed of the slider bar
- add a guide map for a place you are searching (e.g. New York; you'll be given a map of which New York you are finding, just like Meteoblue)
- new overlays like
PoP (Probability of Precip.)
Heat Index
Climate Maps (like those on Tropical Tidbits) - new tropical cyclone section with important data for cyclone tracking like forecast and ensemble tracks, rainfall accumulation, wind swath, rain swath,...
- better data display (graphs) for overlays like pressure, humidity,... And best if it is included in the table/ meteogram forecast and choose the overlays you wanted displayed on the forecast
- Reducing the hours (like Windguru) you would want for your forecast
- "Land overlay overlap" (The rain accumulation, for example, can only be overlapped on land, not on water, to avoid confusion)
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