Location searching with Android app
If you search for a location anywhere in the world by default the 7 day forecast box pops up and the location is highlighted with a dot... this is all good. However once you close the forecast box the location dot disappears so you then don't know where to tap on the screen in order for the data layer pop-up to appear for that specific location you searched on .
Any ideas about this issue ? Please advise
Anyone ???
@cra1go Would you please post some screenshot(s)? Not sure I understand that "once you close the forecast box the location dot disappears" part.
Here I have searched for Dublin and by default it shows the forecast box at the bottom of the screen, which is fine. However once you click the X to close the forecast box you also lose the location dot and therefore making it hard to tap on the location searched for, in this case Dublin, to view the data for selected layer (Wind, Humidity, Clouds etc....)
@Pavel-Neuman Did the screenshot make it more understandable ?
yep that is feature. From search to detail
@ivo Can you not make it that the location "dot" stays on the screen even when you close the forecast detail "window" ??
@cra1go Got you...We will think about it