Distance and planning bug - it enters a loop and keeps repeating the prior waypoints even after cancelling them.
I'm measuring distances on the map.
I make the measurement, then cancel the distance and planning function.
Then I move to another part of the map, at a different zoom level, to start making more distance measurements, but as soon as I open it (with right click on the map), the map immediately jumps back to the prior location and zoom level, that I was previously measuring at, with the same waypoints displayed as I'd had when I cancelled distance and planning.
This was not occurring before v43.0.3
I have to refresh the page before I can use the function again.
Latest Firefox for Win11.
This is an improvement introduced with version 43. For those who use Distance & planning for the Route planner feature, it allows you to keep all waypoints of the route on the screen.
Now, if you want to take multiple distance measurements, you need to click Distance & planning at the top of the menu instead of right click. -
Thank you.
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