There is a bug in the windy api.
I asked for isobaric lines on certain pages, but they show up on every page on that server. So I removed isobaric requests from certain pages. But they still show up on every page.
Why is it like this?
The isobaric line display was as follows.let isPressureLinesActive = false;
let store =; document.getElementById('toggle-pressure').addEventListener('click', function () { if (isPressureLinesActive ) { console.log(1111) store.set('isolines', null); // 등압선(기압선) 비활성화 } else { console.log(2222) store.set('isolines', 'pressure' ); // 등압선(기압선) 활성화 } isPressureLinesActive = !isPressureLinesActive; // 토글 상태 변경 });
Is the request method wrong?
Is there any other way to request it? -
@위디비 Hi, could you please use string 'off', instead of null value?
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