Offensive marketing
On september 23th, I wanted to look at the forecast like every morning. Your site asked me to renew my subscription. Believing my subscription had expired, I made the requested payment.
Afterwards, I looked at the start date of my subscription is April 23, 2024.
So I have two paid subscriptions to
I wrote to support twice without getting a response.
I feel like I was scammed. I call it offensive marketing.
:-( -
@Benoît-L-Heureux Hi, I already refunded the payment, you made a few days ago. It is possible that you were logged in with a different account or weren't logged in at all, since we don't offer Premium for accounts, that already are Premium ones.
Regarding your email conversations, I checked our inbox, and there is no email from your email address at all, so I am not sure, who you contacted.