Solved Satellite outage over the North and South America (Sep 28)
The satellite outage over America also affects Premium members, not only the free users.
You can check it here -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
This is not just a Windy issue, it is actually a legitimate technical issue with GOES 16 not connecting to websites other than STAR NESDIS, as the module that allows connection to other sites appears to be down. Evidence that it is NOT Windy’s fault is also given, from CyclonicWx AND from Tropical Tidbits. STAR appears to be the only website with running GOES data, but then again, it might be GOES 13 that they’re running on while GOES-16 is down.
NWS and NOAA report no outages on GOES16 or 17 as of 19:00 UTC.
Sept 30, 2024.
It is only Windy. -
This guives more context about the outage:
extracted from the commit:
DATA FEED ISSUES - Due to major damage to critical infrastructure in the Asheville, NC area from Hurricane Helene, our GOES data feeds to the cloud have been impacted. We are working with local authorities and service providers in hopes that we can restore these feeds ASAP. Note that major celluar and network (fiber) infrastructure have been damaged and this may take time to adress. Thank you for your continued support.The only places that are receiving GOES data, are direct downloading, or taking it from someone who does it, from the satelite.
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
Time to give us our money back. This app is worthless in USA. Spare me the fake news saying satellites are damaged and blaming NC hurricane. Every other app works fine. Windy was paid to turn it off intentionally.
Windy has done nothing to fix the satellite and I hear it works fine with other apps. What apps work? I won’t be renewing my premium here,
@Zang-1 outros sites estao funcionando normalmente, como isso pode ser problema nos satelites?
@BlSHOP Please explain why an who would pay a weather data company to sensor free data, that is not available on the sources?
Go on and check by youselfThis are the links:
NOAA Open Data Dissemination Program Datasets :
Azure: you have found other source, please share it.
I love your app and will hang til it is fix. Thanks.
Have a satellite image!
@nilmar_20 O problema não é no satelite, ele ta operando normalmente, produzindo os dados.
O problema é na infraestrutura de distribuição deles.
Tem 3 principais formas de entregar esses dados:Os dois primeiros metodos são transmissões via satelite, sendo o primeiro direto dos satelites meteorologicos e um conjunto de antenas em terra. O Segundo é um compilado de informações meteorologicas (modelos, radares, cartas, etc...), que tambem é transmitido por satelite, com diversos fornecedores diferente. Esses dois metodos estão funcionando, mas eles demandam e instalação de antenas e hardware especializado para coleta dessas informações.
O terceiro sistema, distribui as informaçoes de satelite pela internet, usando os 3 principais provedores de cloud como hosts. É nesse sistema que a maioria dos usuarios, fora das universidades dependem para acesso aos dados.
Este sistema é o que esta fora do ar. Por que o local de onde esses dados são enviados para internet foi bastante atingido pelo furacão Helen.English response:
The problem is not with the satellite; it's operating normally and producing data. The issue lies with their distribution infrastructure.There are three main ways to deliver this data:
The first two methods are satellite transmissions: the first directly from weather satellites and a network of ground antennas. The second is a compilation of meteorological information (models, radars, maps, etc.), which is also transmitted by satellite, with various different providers. Both methods are functioning, but they require the installation of specialized antennas and hardware to collect this information.
The third system distributes satellite data over the internet, using the three main cloud providers as hosts. This system, which most users outside of universities depend on to access the data, is the one that's down. The reason is that the location from which this data is uploaded to the internet was heavily impacted by Hurricane Helen.
scrubbing data
Yeah my heart goes out to all the people affected.. Bad
thank you for updates
Mark Chief Pilot of Sanborn Map Company- Geospatial Co founded 1866 -
Satellite no function
thank you was wondering
Reporting same experience - no satellite images, of any type. 3 days now. Tried with different computers and different networks so it's not "me".
Seems so , I should have mentioned I am in Australia, but after checking just now it has been resolved, happy days :) -
@Bernardo-Cardoso Péssima hora pra acontecer isso..
@David-Polášek said in Satellite outage over the North and South America (Sep 28):
Due to major damage to critical infrastructure from Hurricane Helen, there is an outage of satellite data (GEOS-16 East and GEOS-18 West data) over the American continent. We are not receiving any data.
Thanks for the effort. There aren't a lot of choices! And Murphy's Law dictates that GOES will be restored moments after you do find a workaround!