Cyclone Debbie
Windytv has got its Cyclone forecast wrong the position of the cyclone is close but the pressure and wind speeds are completely wrong at 8.45 pm you have the pressure at 989 hpa and the highest wind speed at 75 Klm
you need to rethink the program or better still close it down rather than display completely wrong information
Very disappointed with the site i thought it had some great potenutal
I get better information by looking out the window
JF -
Thank god we have BOM for accurate reporting of weather
@johnf13 Forecasting of peak values is not as easy as you may think. Windytv displays two global models for your location: ECMWF and GFS. Probably neither of them shows as extreme values of the wind speed as you may experience. It is because the forecasted wind is average value for some time interval.
These computer models are not sufficient instruments for determining exact extreme values, but they are invaluable for medium range forecasts (future hours or even days). And they are one of the best in the world.
You mentioned BOM. I attach screenshot of station measurement from BOM website. It shows measurement of 1000hPa pressure. Well, when you look at Windytv at the same location, it shows 1000hPa. I think, that the model is not as bad as you say.
Bom is saying the cyclone is cat 3 to 4 pressure is 963 a long way from what you say at same time
looking out the window BOM is more accurate -
@johnf13 BOM is definitely right. As I wrote, it is difficult to forecast peak values. You should not use medium range mathematical model to determine exact peak value. But if you want information of cyclone future movement, if you want good prediction for 1-3 days, look at model forecasts. And if you want easy-to-use presentation of such model forecasts, use Windytv.