Radar data not showing anymore in entire country.
@Andres-Mauricio-Cice Hi, we have problem with getting data from the source, since they block the access and we are not able to contact them. However, I forwarded the post to colleagues for further investigation, if anything can be useful.
@Suty Thanks for your response.
Probably the data that you are trying to access isn't free anymore and a fee is required. It sounds like so, because the website says that some data is available after paying a fee.
I hope that something can be worked up. They should answer through the webform. O perhaps the other developers can help.
I miss the radar in the Radar+ plus feature.
A Andres Mauricio Cice referenced this topic on
Hi @Andres-Mauricio-Cice, thank You very much for Your time looking into this issue. I tried contacting SMN many time using the form You sent a link to. I never got any response.
INTA is new to me, but the link doesn't open, I'm getting this error
Also Rain Alarm doesn't seem to currently have any data (which might be related to the INTA site being probably down). This is what their data look like compared to data from SMN:
All in all, we would very much appreciate any help contacting SMN, since I wasn't able to do so. Although I tried very hard many, many times. With no luck. If You would be able to get me a contact to someone who is related to their radar data and will actually respond to me, that would help me immersely!Maybe calling them would help, which I can't do.
@Filip_K if yo look closely in the bottom right of SMN radar's page you will see the logo of INTA. Also in the app Rain Alarm you will see that the radars are credited to INTA.
All the radars, excluding the one located in Ezeiza Buenos Aires are directly operated by INTA. SMN receives the data from them. So they are the primary source of radars data.
INTA contact page is working for me. Care to try again? https://atencionciudadana.inta.gob.ar/
Rain Alarm, Radsahd, Meteored. Those 3 apps have current access to radar data. Perhaps you can talk with those developers or agree something. I'm writing a mail asking for help to them.
@Filip_K definitively I'm going to try to call them tomorrow. Today is a bit late.
They also have an email address: smn AT smb.gob.ar
INTA main mail is: dri AT inta.gob.arSorry about the at, something is blocking the mails as spam and I can't write the at. Please remove the spaces and replace at with the actusl one.
Thanks for your response, I'm going to try to reach them by phone.
@Filip_K Data is currently showing in Rain Alarm. Took a screen cap for you, if you look at the bottom of the image, it says Instituto De Tecnología Agropecuaria Nacional. (It's INTA)
Great to know that radars are operated by INTA, I didn't know about that. I'll try contacting them and the developers of the apps You mention. Thank You very much for Your insight, it is very helpful.I'll keep You posted with the updates!
So I've sent message tosmn@smn.gob.ar
. Although from the latter one (INTA) I got error straight back:
I was able to find more contacts here (president and vice president), I'll try to contact them.
https://atencionciudadana.inta.gob.ar/ still doesn't work for me, no idea why
@Filip_K perhaps the form is blocked from outside of Argentina. Already sent a request myself.After posting the form I received a automated mail from atencionciudadana AT inta.gob.ar with an support ticket (number 4070). So fingers crossed.
Calling to the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional seems to be a dead end, I only reach a poorly designed automated call response service. So far I couldn't reach any human being behind it. I'm going to keep trying.
I'm also calling to INTA, but there is a long queue.
It should be a way. I hope that Michael Diener from rain Alarm answers and tells us his secret :)
Thanks for your dedication, Argentina is a messy country. I'm very happy with your interest.
F Filip_K referenced this topic on
@Andres-Mauricio-Cice weanted to update: So far, no luck. :(
due to the rain alarm awanser we have fixed the eorr thanks guys
Same in the Azores. The radar data is no tshowing for several days now.. -
Hi @wolfgrw, IPMA's Terceira radar seems to be down. See their website.
@Filip_K Hey its working today!!!! I'm so happy, what a surprise! Thank you thanks to everyone involved!
I'm curious, Someone finally answered "our cry for help" from my country services? A developer helped? We are accessing trough INTA directly?
Hope it lasts
Also wanted to share a piece of information, some radars of INTA connect to internet trough microwave or satelitall internet. Ironically, bad weather in the area of the radar, can cause outgages in the service when its needed. Knowing that could help to answer to people from my country.
Our secondary source started working, but I have no idea why. We currently still don't have any response from either INTA or SMN. So if it goes down, we will lose radar data for Argentina again... -
@Filip_K oh! well fingers crossed. I'm going to keep trying to contact someone in SMN or INTA again. Also i'm writing to a meteorological society...
Perhaps to achieve a more stable service.
My country is a eternal mess.
@Filip_K it's down again :(, saying no data.
INTA page isn't down, so I guess that the problem is back.
I have sent a message in a meteo forum that has many workers from SMN participating in it
Will keep you updated -
I also found a senior engineer of SiNaRaMe (Meteorological National Radar System). Literally is system engineer in the project of building, installing and connecting Argentina's meteorological radars.
Here is the LinkedIn profile:
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