Some models data is not fetched
I am using a professional account license and try to fetch data for GFS, Arome, ECMWF and IconEU. But only GFS works, other return BadRequest: 400. What could be the reason?OK Request for GFS - {"lat": "58.1247822", "lon": "15.2239034", "model": "gfs", "parameters": ["wind"], "key": "*****************************", "levels": ["surface","1000h"]}
BAD request for ECMWF - {"lat": "58.1247822", "lon": "15.2239034", "model": "ecmwf", "parameters": ["wind"], "key": "*****************************", "levels": ["surface","1000h"]}
@Vsevol0d Hi, I checked your account and I don't see any purchased license, also I am not sure if you have access to ECMWF there.
Hi, our payed account is "". License is purchased
And what about ICON-EU model? Is it also a special one?