2024 Vendee Globe Yacht Tracking
In years past, Windy has had plugins for the Vendee Globe and am curious if that will be the case for this year's event.
We have asked the organizers, but we have received no answer from Vendee Globe whatsoever.
thank you for the quick response. That's too bad, I wonder if they are corralling the tracking to their app...
@adam-lind even their app is just a container for the vendee globe website and I haven’t found the tracking yet, maybe it will only be added when the race starts
Hi any updates on the ability to see VG travking? Did the officials provided you we needed details? Start is tomorrow.
I just opened the official Vendée globe website and they do have the tracker up.
Still bummed that they aren’t sharing it as I have windy open daily on my work computer. I guess I’ll have another tab open on the browser! -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
@adam-lind The tracker is just terrible on IOs devices, constant zoom resets etc. Its just iphone scale up verison for ipads, vertical only ! Their offical app is clumsy and just not good. Its a real shame they did not cooperate on this with Windy team.
D David Polášek referenced this topic on
On the daily live on the VDG youtube channel they are doing a weather brief and it seems that they are using Windy. Not sure if that is a private plugin or just a video overlay/edit with a similar look than windy
If you mean this YouTube video in English, Windy is used for a weather briefing from 6:00.
This guy is not very fair as it does not display the Windy logo. -
@idefix37 I was mostly thinking about this one where the VDG organisation is using windy but with the display off the boat positions
In the video of sea wolves it not the VDG staff and he doesn't show the boats on windy.
@adam-lind by any chances did you had a feedback since your last post ?
@GautChamb said in 2024 Vendee Globe Yacht Tracking:
In the video of sea wolves it not the VDG staff and he doesn't show the boats on windy.
I know Sea Wolves is not the VDG staff.
Thank you for the last video.To clarify see my last post
Hello ,
the vendee globe wheater forecast is not using a Windy pluggin, it's a platform that is used by Christian Dumard and his society that developpe this platform,
they will probably change soon to use tools branded Vendee Globe .
i'm not allowed to give you the FTP login and password to find the positions of boats , but i'm sure some geek will quickly find out a way to display the tracks of boats and also display the routing projection with forecast associated ,40 boats and 40 polar boat speed ..., some boat are with foils some without ,
the next week with small wind to reach ZICC is very interesting and very slow ,
and the lack of trade wind until south cape verde island is the main reason . -
@Gerald-Veniard In the end, can somebody bring the plug in back?
If you read the post I referenced above, I didn’t say that Christian Dumard was using a Windy plugin. MWI created a platform presented under the Cartography tab on the Vendée Globe website. But as they said, the weather data provided on this platform (wind, gusts, waves, etc.) is data from Windy.
Just see this youtube video where the speak about a Windy addon/pluggin developp by a a sailor Leo Legrand, to show boat position and routes on windy :
If it's a matter of finding the ftp access, this link to the sailing instructions in english contains the login information.
@Hydroscope FTP server is also in the instructions: ftp.geovoile.net
FTP server is also in the instructions: ftp.geovoile.net
They have also an HTTP url with all the 40 positions:
https://www.geovoile.net/vendeeglobe/public/posreport/?key=cb7e0f292e164c4aa2d6dc4abfaa1771 -
Instead of a screenshot of this video, that would be more useful to provide its URL. -
Here is the URL
At 25'50", they mention the sailor Leonard Legrand (who I believe is part of the Sodebo Ultim team, on standby for the Trophee Jules Verne)