Colour range on radar is too small to identify heavy rain.
If you take the latest heavy rain in Valencia Spain on the 29th Oct 2024, there is not a lot of colour difference between the heavy rain radar image and the not so heavy rain. The colour range needs to be more so we can easily identify heavy rain.
You can change the color range in Settings -> Customize color scale is my customized scale with bright red for 50-60 dBz corresponding to the lower step for the risk of hail.
The scale is a bit strange at the top end. I think black and grey should be displayed for lower rain rate ? -
Hello, what do you think about the upper limit of this color scale with huge rain rates (color steps in black and gray).
Does this correspond to real and possible radar echoes expressed in dBz? -
@idefix37's upper limit is: more than 75 dBz
In fact, in a wx.radar screen (as you can see in my profile's avatar image)
the upper limit is "more than 72 (more than 400mm/hr)". -
Thank you, it is clear.
So 64842mm/h and more is phycally a nonsense ? -
Yes! No rain gauge can measure such a heavy rain!For the accuracy of weather radar in heavy rain, read:
In general ..."Gauges are known to underestimate intensity by up to 25 %–30 % in heavy rain and windy conditions. On the other hand, radar is known to suffer from signal attenuation, non-uniform beam filling, clutter, hail contamination and overshooting".
... few days ago, in Valencia
184 mm in 1 hr.
It’s already huge ! -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on