Radar data needed! Help us with the data gathering
FREE RADAR LINK FOR SANTA CATARINA /BRAZIL: http://sigsc.sc.gov.br/radarsc/
Here is the radar for Israel.
Switzerland try: https://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch/home.html?tab=rain
Australia radar images
All links checked so far. Thank you all !
The rainfall over Estonia is monitored by our environment agency.
The images are available here:
From contacts its possible to query if the images are also available in digital form.
:) -
Hi @iljamal , thanks for your message, we have already been offered the data by the agency itself! :)
Hi , for Radar Data of the Caribbean, especially Aruba and Curacao you might want to check out the following sites that have online radar including radar data from Maracaibo, Venezuela. checkout, www.meteo.cw and www. meteo.aw hope this will be helpful.
Can I see where radar data is missing?
A visible indication would help. -
como se puede ayudar desde chile ??
You are still missing Canadian radar coverage from coast to coast. Hey Ovo, it's the Canadian who flew the 429 with you last summer.
Tom, I have found another URL where Radar data could be found. Please check that URL: https://www.si-vreme.com/si/slovenija/radarska-slika/padavine-zemljevid?xl=&xs=si-radarska_slika_map1&xt=3&fo=1#vsebina
Hope to see that part of EU covered soon.
Br, Gregor -
Hi, could u work on India radar in windyty? Thanks in advance
@siddhart1234 Link for the radar is www.imd.gov.in/pages/radar_main.php
@tomslavkovsky some great posts here. Love seeing ppl coming together accross the planet.
Might be worth your time to reach out to US Naval Research Center (https://www.nrl.navy.mil/radar/contact).
Not to be absolutist here: but if any organization would know about global radar resources - it would be the US Navy.
Hola Ofrecemos nuestros servicios para cubrir la zona del SUR de Europa - España - Islas Canarias - Estación Ubicada en el ATLANTICO SUR..
Hello everyone!
Thank you all for your helpful comments and links to radar data resources.
THIS is how it looks like when our Windy Community is active! :)
Special thanks to @TheRadarGuy , @Tomber42 , @dugal2201 , @pfaure , @nikondgo , ... sorry if I forgot anyone as far as Canada is concerned!
New Zealand data is free.
Here is the link to their policy: https://about.metservice.com/our-company/about-this-site/open-access-data/
Ask them for access here: https://about.metservice.com/contact/
Awesome work guys :)