Radar data needed! Help us with the data gathering
In Australia we have free access as to the government run (Bureau Of Meteorology) Unsure if they would allow this to be utilised for another weather site but worth a try.
@meteo-GR Thank you, radareu.cz is nice composition, but we are looking for original data (not png) and we want to access them in legal way.
An example of good data storage:
The data is raw and georeferenced, exactly what we need. Many thanks to guys from Norwegian Meteorological Institute!!! -
Sorry, but it looks like Environment Canada only offers radar data in GIF format. I'll keep trying for other countries though. And I figured out how to get Australian weather radar. It's $1830 a year plus another $1025 as a one time fee. http://reg.bom.gov.au/other/charges.shtml
@TheRadarGuy Thanks for help
Bahamas Weather is free.
and how about post question (from windy team) here?
https://opendata.stackexchange.com/search?q=weather(why we pay gowerment expensive data twice...?)
@TomSlavkovsky @ivo I think I found radar data for Sweden. There is some other data in there you might also want to take a look at. Like: weather forecasting models, ocean information and warnings data.
http://opendata.smhi.se/apidocs/ -
@TheRadarGuy Thx for the link, I have contacted the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and there is a fee for HDF5 format - 24.000 SEK per year.
@leapenn Could send me a link for the data?
Do you have a list of providers that have already agreed to share this information?
Germany's National Meteorological Service DWD offers most data as opendata, radars included
http://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/opendata/opendata.html -
The University of Bonn (Germany, Rhineland Palatinate) operates a local rain radar. The range is about 120km around Bonn.
There are also no commercial interests behind it I think and they pass the data to you perhaps.
Contact: Malte.Diederich@uni-bonn.de -
@Snipersupersix I think this is part of opendata of DWD, they offer radar data from all German radar stations
Here is a huge list of radar data sources, but probably mainly images and not raw: rainviewer sources Although raw data is better, a composite from images would be great beta version!
Edit: Link should work now!
UK Met Office Data is available free through their DataPoint API (https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/datapoint/product/rainfall-radar-map-layer). API documentation: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/binaries/content/assets/mohippo/pdf/3/0/datapoint_api_reference.pdf
Awaiting response from Colombian agency in charge of radar data. And crossing fingers.
Hi !
In Europe we have Opera Project under the umbrella of Eumetnet that work on an European Mosaic.
You can find the animation here: http://eumetnet.eu/activities/observations-programme/current-activities/opera-radar-animation/Regards.
GabrieleP.S. Sorry I did not read the introduction... you of course already know of Opera... ;)
@gabrielef71 Yes for 80.000 EUR a year even when already paid by taxpayers money.