Radar data needed! Help us with the data gathering
Of interest to people from the US Gulf Coast is tropical radar:
O -
Radar Italy will be integrated?
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https://www.redemet.aer.mil.br (biggest source)
https://www.climatempo.com.br/radar-spExcept for the last one they should be all be public/free. From the government.
@tomslavkovsky Maybe you should clarify (in the headline) which type of radar data you can use for windy. Sites with radar pictures doesn't help i think.
Otherwise more and more of such not helpful links are posted here. -
@tomber42 Hi, georeferenced raw data is the best. However we can handle also pngs/gifs/jpegs and almost anything, but it can be difficult in some cases and is not reliable in general.
Another important parameters for measuring quality of the data source are:- Time sampling: Optimal is 5 minutes. More than 15 minutes is hardly usable
- Time delay: Bigger than 15 minutes can be problematic
- Spatial resolution: Should not be worse than ~2km/pixel
Hi! Great service, thank you.
Some data from Italy:
you can get Lithuanian weather radar info at official meteo agency site:
One site for Canada and it's free https://weather.gc.ca/radar/index_e.html
I haven't tested yet, but in Brazil I've found the Airforce Command Moteorology Network's API (https://www.redemet.aer.mil.br/?i=facilidades&p=api-redemet).
Also, the National Spacial Research Institute (INPE) has information about a FTP server in what they called PCD (Data Collection Platform). Information can be found here: http://sinda.crn2.inpe.br/PCD/SITE/novo/site/index.php or webmaster@inpe.br
We also have the National Meteorology Institute (INMET - http://www.inmet.gov.br/portal/) and the Weather Prevision Center and Climate Studies (CPTEC - http://tempo.cptec.inpe.br/).
Hope it helps.
About the china map , you can refer to the map app in China . vista :彩云天气 http://www.caiyunapp.com/map/ .
But in this application, some api is free, but you need to register and send an e-mail to him about “No commercial use” user. -
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Are you sure that the data provided are RADAR data?I visited the link you gave and I saw that there are data for Greece (where no radar data provided).
By comparing with www.sat24com "rain" and
EUMETSAT visualised product MPE (Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate)
I realized that the image in the Chinese site is not radar
but processed satellite data!
I cheked it again and maybe I am wrong!
Probably the echoes over Greece come from a wx radar in S. Italy. -
I am not sure. but in our wiki and Official website, it says "Caiyun Weather really use radar."
https://baike.baidu.com/item/彩云天气/14690971I am living in China, and I find out Caiyun Weather always updated less than 10 minutes. I think this case, the satellite could not be always updated less than 10 minutes?
As I said, probably the radar data in the area of the western parts of Greece
come from a wx radar in Southern Italy.
Is there any way to confirm that?
Does the chinese site provide the locations of the radars?P.S. I live in W. Greece and I'm very interested to have wx radar imagery for my area.
Even through China!!! -
I don’t know if it can help you, but this site seems to give the locations of Italian weather radars and their ranges.
http://www.protezionecivile.gov.it/jcms/it/mappa_radar.wp -
Coutry: Portugal
Provider: IPMA // Instituto Português do Mar e Atmosfera
Web: https://www.ipma.pt/pt/otempo/obs.remote/index.jsp