Radar data needed! Help us with the data gathering
Radar Italy will be integrated?
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https://www.redemet.aer.mil.br (biggest source)
https://www.climatempo.com.br/radar-spExcept for the last one they should be all be public/free. From the government.
@tomslavkovsky Maybe you should clarify (in the headline) which type of radar data you can use for windy. Sites with radar pictures doesn't help i think.
Otherwise more and more of such not helpful links are posted here. -
@tomber42 Hi, georeferenced raw data is the best. However we can handle also pngs/gifs/jpegs and almost anything, but it can be difficult in some cases and is not reliable in general.
Another important parameters for measuring quality of the data source are:- Time sampling: Optimal is 5 minutes. More than 15 minutes is hardly usable
- Time delay: Bigger than 15 minutes can be problematic
- Spatial resolution: Should not be worse than ~2km/pixel
Hi! Great service, thank you.
Some data from Italy:
you can get Lithuanian weather radar info at official meteo agency site:
One site for Canada and it's free https://weather.gc.ca/radar/index_e.html
I haven't tested yet, but in Brazil I've found the Airforce Command Moteorology Network's API (https://www.redemet.aer.mil.br/?i=facilidades&p=api-redemet).
Also, the National Spacial Research Institute (INPE) has information about a FTP server in what they called PCD (Data Collection Platform). Information can be found here: http://sinda.crn2.inpe.br/PCD/SITE/novo/site/index.php or webmaster@inpe.br
We also have the National Meteorology Institute (INMET - http://www.inmet.gov.br/portal/) and the Weather Prevision Center and Climate Studies (CPTEC - http://tempo.cptec.inpe.br/).
Hope it helps.
About the china map , you can refer to the map app in China . vista :彩云天气 http://www.caiyunapp.com/map/ .
But in this application, some api is free, but you need to register and send an e-mail to him about “No commercial use” user. -
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Are you sure that the data provided are RADAR data?I visited the link you gave and I saw that there are data for Greece (where no radar data provided).
By comparing with www.sat24com "rain" and
EUMETSAT visualised product MPE (Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate)
I realized that the image in the Chinese site is not radar
but processed satellite data!
I cheked it again and maybe I am wrong!
Probably the echoes over Greece come from a wx radar in S. Italy. -
I am not sure. but in our wiki and Official website, it says "Caiyun Weather really use radar."
https://baike.baidu.com/item/彩云天气/14690971I am living in China, and I find out Caiyun Weather always updated less than 10 minutes. I think this case, the satellite could not be always updated less than 10 minutes?
As I said, probably the radar data in the area of the western parts of Greece
come from a wx radar in Southern Italy.
Is there any way to confirm that?
Does the chinese site provide the locations of the radars?P.S. I live in W. Greece and I'm very interested to have wx radar imagery for my area.
Even through China!!! -
I don’t know if it can help you, but this site seems to give the locations of Italian weather radars and their ranges.
http://www.protezionecivile.gov.it/jcms/it/mappa_radar.wp -
Coutry: Portugal
Provider: IPMA // Instituto Português do Mar e Atmosfera
Web: https://www.ipma.pt/pt/otempo/obs.remote/index.jsp -
Thank you.
As you can see, there are radar echoes over the Greek islands of Ionian Sea
which seems to be out of range of Italian radars.
Yes but if you check right now the chinese radar image and compare it to
you will notice that the chinese radar image does not show any rain on western part of Greece. (Meteox use satellite images from Sat 24). So it could be echoes from Italian radars?