Anyone know why there's a "cut" on the accumulated precipitation maps?
Hi everyone, I’m having an issue with my accumulated precipitation maps. As you can see in the image, there’s a line where the colors abruptly change, creating a "cut" in the map. It makes one side display different values from the other, almost as if there’s a division in the data.
Does anyone know why this happens? Could it be a model issue, data resolution problem, or something related to the map settings? I’d appreciate any help or recommendations from someone who’s experienced this before.
Thanks in advance!
Hi, could we know which model is used for this screenshot ? Apparently made with a customized color scale. Do you have the same issue with all models ?
And what is your device and OS ? -
@idefix37 , hi, seems like ive the same on my pcscreen, and its a minor flaw on the gfs at 13 nov in the accumulation, just east of huesca, flats out /dissolves when zooming in.
@idefix37 Its happening on ALL MODELS.
When i zoom it doesnt desapears. Tested with default color. Same situation.
Test emcwf zoom in:
Test with default colors palette:
Thanks for the answer.
@Valencia_WX About what layer do we talk? You mentioned accumulated precipitation maps, but what exactly is that?
@Suty is Accumulation layer. It happens on east spain. We have a 'cut line' in all models.
@Suty Hi again! It looks like the cutoff is happening at the Greenwich Meridian (longitude 0°). This could be due to how the data or imagery is being processed, especially if it's using a coordinate-based system that divides or merges data at that line.
@Valencia_WX Hi, what device do you use to access I tried to replicate it, but I wasn't successful. Sometimes it was displayed with the delay of change of these map tiles, but it was fixed in a second.
@Suty Im using Windy on Edge browser.
Browser (EDGE)
Mobile (last version published con GPlay) (Android 14) (Realme 12 pro+)
Chromium Browser (Linux) As you can see, there is another 'cut', probably latitude 0
Firefox Browser (Linux)
@Valencia_WX But you don't use the default colors, am I right?
@Suty If i change to default, is the same. In the first and second img is with my color palette. The others are with default colors.