@Filip_K As far as I can see the update is now online. Thank you very much for your effort!
@zekun_ni aktualizacja nie zawiera map na 16 dni a chyba model miał zawierać wizualizacje
Hi @przemo1986,
the forecast is available in detail (lower panel) for full 15-16 days already (basic forecast, meteogram and airgram), where it was previously extended by AIFS. Full functionality for extended forecast, like map visualization, will be available in next version, which will be available in following weeks.Thank You for Your patience.
@Filip_K I see on desktop V44.0.1 at least (iOS 18 with Windy app V43.0.4 does not have it) that ECMWF extends out to 15 days now.
Is that leveraging the AIFS that was previously only in the forecast detail, or is that just the "standard" ECMWF model that @WX-OM mentioned a few weeks back?
Is there any plan to have both versions of the ECMWF available?
Thank you for the hard work!
The extended ECMWF model to 15 days is the 49r1 version of the same model. It has nothing to do with the AIFS model based on artificial intelligence. This one is no longer included in Windy.
As usual the new version will be added later in the mobile app, probably with the next update of this app. -
@idefix37 Awesome, thank you for the clarification!
Beyond that, do you know if the team has any intention of adding the AIFS model as its own option at some point? Or any of the Ensemble products they offer?
Sorry I’m not in the know. -
@idefix37 No worries, I appreciate the response!
Hi @illili, we currently have no intention of adding AIFS back. It's resolution and parameter set is very inferior to deterministic version of ECMWF forecast (HRES).
@Filip_K thank you for adding it
@Filip_K co ile godzin będzie aktualizowany model co 6 godzinę na cztery dni prognoza godzinowa dla użytkowników premium i co 12 godzin na pozostałe dni ?
Hi @przemo1986, as mentioned in ECMWF release notes, 00 and 12 runs are 360 hours long (15 days) and 06 and 18 runs are 144 hours (6 days) long.
Previously it was 240 hours (10 days) and 90 hours (3.75 days):
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
@Filip_K thank you for the reply and clarification!
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