Hurricane Filter
Hurricanes in other hemispheres are interesting but not as important as ones that may impact me and my family. I believe they need to be organized or sorted by region, by headers by region, or provide the ability to filter out hurricanes that are not relevant to the viewer. I am not suggesting that all hurricanes should not be visible, but when there are multiple active hurricanes, it should be instantly obvious which ones might impact them based on where they are or where they plan to be or what area they are particularly interested in (like if they have friends or family in another region).
@gregcol This is good idea.
Currently, I think, it will open the nearest hurricane to wherever you are looking on the map.- for example, If I am zoomed in on Greenland and open Hurricane Tracker it'll show me the nearest Atlantic disturbance.
But I like this idea of having them organized by region or basin or something like that in the menu!
The small thumbnails are supposed to help identify the tropical cyclone region.