Harvest fire safety suggestion
NSW RFS recommends harvesting to cease at certain temperature/wind/humidity combinations, per their Grain Harvesting Guide.
Would it be possible to have the humidity shown alongside the temp and wind on the little forecast table that pops up at the bottom of the map, or even go all out and make a Grain Harvesting Layer that combines the 3 into a gradient colour system showing the increasing fire risk on the map?
It would make the decision making and harvest planning a helluva a lot easier, to see all three figures side by side to compare to the harvest guide without flicking back and forth, or combined into a fire risk map.
Thank you for considering!
I totally agree with you !
This has been requested by many users because it is a big gap.
In the Basic table there is enough space to add just one line for humidity. All other tables Meteogram, Aerogram, Wind… are much bigger.
Meteogram provides the dew point, but how many users other than meteorologists and aviators take care of it?Relative humidity should be a basic data in the point forecast table.
It should be in the to-do list.Then in the new alert system it would be useful to add RH to allow to be warned when the customizable combination of temperature + wind + humidity causes a risk of fire or plants/crops stress.
The Fire danger layer is only useful for large wildfire risk. -