Where are the migrated alerts?
the issue with the new alerts functionality stays the same.
it is no more that convenient anymore!
if the readability of the alerts does not change i think about quiting my premium membership, because this makes windy totally irrelevant to me. -
@Mista-Fly Hi, data for our alerts are still taken from the forecast provided by ECMWF and other models and you can choose the model now. What exactly are you missing?
The new notifications and favourites are shit, too difficult to see quickly and too many clicks/taps to access info. You did bad and you should feel bad. Just change it comrade, you had a winning formula.
I totally agree that the new notification system is a backward step. While I can apprecate that the developers were trying to make an inprovement to the system, it has significantly reduced the usefulness of the premium features. Can I respectfully request that this new feature is rolled back to the previous system. -
Roll back please !!!!!!!
please just listen to the users, i am not the only one that sees the ,new improvement' as a big DISIMPROVEMENT. -
maybe you should try to migrate 100's of spots with alerts yourself to see the big disadvantages that we have due to the given changes now.
one of the major problems is that the order of spots is totally mixed up.
the migrated spot is always pinned to the top of the list, both... in favorites and also in the alerts section to bring that in ones prefered order again it would take hours -
in favs section where the migrated spot is always pinned to the top you cant change the order that easily, you have to first unpin every other spot from the top, than u have to repin them in your desired order back again.
in the alerts section you have to press and hold the spot and bring it manually in desired order back again + pressing and holding the mechanism itsself is not working properly at all.
tried it with a few spots so far.
all in all this new haptic is very very inconvinient!!! -
@Suty said in Where are the migrated alerts?:
What exactly are you missing?
We are missing:
- Alphabetical ordering
- The possibility of searching (not using the browser's text search menu option; Ctrl-F goes to Windy's search box, which is not useful for this function as it does not search Notifications)
That's essentially it.
And then we would also need:
- The ability to filter by a maximum amount of rain, not a minimum (it might be useful for a farmer, but for the vast majority of sports, what is needed is just the opposite)
- The ability to export and manage the Notifications list properly
Easy solutions:
Go back to the previous functionality, with FavoritesAnd fundamentally: if you ask us what we are missing, it is that you have not tried or do not use these functions, because the changes are clearly for the worse. It is a practically inoperative list and it doesn't even work correctly to move the notifications. Try it and you will see. It's easy.
@Suty yeah I've canceled my subscription, app is of no use anymore, the vale was in the sites being available in my favorites ranked by on condition then alphabetical. Alerts is a waste of time, I want to click in to the app view my sites choose where I will fly.
Any weather app will tell me what direction the wind is when I zoom in on a location
Gutted, was a good app