Windy Archive doesn't work..
@ed_metdesk Okay and this button doesn't work for you?
yes, that's correct. for some reason it still work on my phone (there it also says "2h", so don't know if it has something to do with that?)
@ed_metdesk May I ask what browser and laptop do you use?
Google browser and an HP
@ed_metdesk Can you please test that feature in the private tab of Chrome browser?
Sorry, it is google chrome I use. I've just tested it in Edge also, that's the same problem here too.
Same problem - archive is not showing up
3 different browsers on 2 different pc's
exactly same problem
tried on chrome,. vivaldi, brave + windy plugin on brave
@garai5 Hi, do we talk about satellite, radar or radar+ layer archive? What device do you use? Is there only a problem with clicking on it, or does it stick with clicking that button? Would be possible to provide a recording?
I tested all available browsers and I can't replicate it anywhere.
@ed_metdesk @garai5 Could you please check the error console in our app (you can find it at the bottom of the menu) and share the screenshot? Of course, please test non functional part of the archive before that.
- Click 6h, it adjusts timeline
- click 12h, it adjusts timeline
I can click between 1h, 6h and 12h and you can see the image reloading, the red circle around my selection and the timeline changes. - click Archive, image refreshes but nothing pops up (no calendar)
- once I click Archive it also breaks the functionality of the 1h, 6h, 12h selections.
NO errors on console until I close menu, open menu, close menu (until hamburger appears), and re-open I get this:
Satellite: - Click 6h, no image refresh or timeline change
- click 12h, no image refresh or timeline change
- click 1h, no image refresh or timeline change
- click Archive, image refreshes but nothing pops up (no calendar)
- once I click Archive it also breaks the functionality of the 1h, 6h, 12h selections.
NO errors on console until I close menu, open menu, close menu (until hamburger appears), and re-open I get this:
Google Chrome Version 127.0.6533.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
regular tab. -
Radar behaves the same way as Radar+ above (with timeline changing at first) but I can't get the error to show up. -
@Wheats Can you please try to open the devtools of the browser, if the console there returns any errors?
Refreshed tab. Currently on Wind layer.
Clicked Radar layer.
Clicked through 1h, 6h, 12h - no issues.
Click "Archive" once andI haven't click anything else except my snip tool and the error list keeps growing.
Now the satellite ain't working at all, some other problems causing this?
Windy Satelite doesn't work
Tried different browsers, also not working on App (Android) -
@Outjo40 Hi, this should be already fixed. Can you please check it once again?
Satellite works again now :). What's status on the archive-problem?
@ed_metdesk Hi, it should work as well since this morning. Can you please check that?
Sorry to say, but archive still doesn't work. the calender icon in archive is not there, and on the live SAT there is no "dot" moving as the satellite is running through the timeline when playing the sat-film . so something is wrong both in archive and timeline...
@ed_metdesk Okay, thank you for informing us, our colleagues will keep investigating the issue.