Fear mongering temperature scale.
It is summer in australia.
Why does your temp scale go red at 30.
10 years ago red was 40.
Now you have brown to black from 30 to 40.
The news is claiming of "The worst heatwaves in 5 years", and its the middle of summer and not a heatwave. Its not even hot.
It should say, "Australia gripped by beautiful days in summer". But you cant jack carbon fear and taxes for beautiful days.
Noon sunday 15th of December, it is 23 in brisbane and 24 in sydney according to your mapping.
31 in Broome and Darwin... IN WET SEASON.
Alice springs, 40. NORMAL. It is not even hot. I have lived in broome for 10 years. 39 is hot. 42 is hot. 31 is a beautiful summers day.
Quick, everybody poison the cows and the entire food chain and blame global warming!
Total BS. Sort it out. -
In Windy you can set your own color scale for temperature or for any layer
So just change the color as you like ! Sort it out yourself.