What does the CAPE index mean? What does the value in the photo indicate?
@mbmpc https://www.weather.gov/ilx/swop-severetopics-CAPE
The CAPE index quantifies the vertical stability of the atmosphere and the temperature difference between the Earth's surface and higher atmospheric layers. Higher CAPE values typically indicate a greater potential for convective updrafts and the development of thunderstorms.
CAPE is expressed in joules per kilogram (J/kg) and can range from zero to over 5000. In general, CAPE values of less than 1000J/kg represent weak instability, 1000 to 2500J/kg moderate instability, 2500-4000J/kg strong instability, and greater than 4000J/kg extreme instability.
(Googled) ;)
Additionally you can find the definition of CAPE in this page from a “Windy.com sister company” as displayed under its logo :)