Unable to go premium
Do you use the app on phone or tablet? Or the browser version on desktop? -
@idefix37 it is app on my android galaxy a55 with version 44.0.4.
And regardless of my logins - it clearly show I am not logged in at all
And you can’t log in ?
Here you are logged in. -
@idefix37 yes but not in app. Why? I have no idea
Here is a screenshot when I’m not logged in. Do you see similar icons ? -
https://ibb.co/fMbML0TI jist dont get it why I cannot login on app
@Enver-Eno-Kikic If you want to purchase the Premium, please tap on this button 'Go Premium':
it clearly show I am not logged in at all
Your screenshot show you are logged in as your profile picture is displayed.
So you just wanted to say that you are not premium. -
Guys, I am well aware of how to subscribe.
But when I click go Premium - it gives me log kn window.
I put log in credentials but id does not log me in.
It does here on website though.I just dont get it.
I am pretty well informatically literate. But I reached out to here because of obvious bug. -
I’m sorry, hope @Suty could help you. -
I dont know if my country of origin is problematic? I am from Montenegro.
I don’t think there is any reason for this. -
@Enver-Eno-Kikic This shouldn't be an issue and did you say that the issue is on all your devices? In browser as well? Did you try to use the private tab?
@Enver-Eno-Kikic Prvo se registrujes a onda se logujes. Kako da se logujes kad tvoji kredencijali ne postoje u bazi😉
Tebra, naravno da sam se registrovao prvo.
Even though it says you have succsessfuly logged in, it shows me no optiomn for the premium account. It must be some kind of bug.Have a look at the screenashots attached
@Enver-Eno-Kikic Hello, do you have Windy downloaded from official Google Play? What device do you use?
@Suty said in Unable to go premium:
@Enver-Eno-Kikic Hello, do you have Windy downloaded from official Google Play? What device do you use?
From the screenshots,it’s a Samsung. Na onoj prvoj slici ,sta kaze kad pritisnes go premium? Daje drugu sliku? Kad probas restore purchase, sta dobijes? Reci ce da nemas i da kupis,tako bi bar trebalo. Probaj pa javi.
@dobrigoran The issue in the Go Premium page is mentioned above in the screenshot.