Flight time not calculating wind
First of all, great product!
I am trying to have it as a simple planning tool for flight. Of course, it is very dependent on the wind.
Simple distance&planning tool gives you a good idea about the forecasted wind and even calculates the time when you will be on a certain point en route (if VRF or IRF is selected and speed is entered). It's all nice, you see the changes in weather/wind in time. However, a small info bubble that lets you select the starting time and show you the end, does not calculate wind. So the same flight looks the same time at any departure time in the next 7 days?I know there is a plugin for more options but this would be super usefull if you could make it calculate the actual time with wind.
Thank you for considering it!
@Akodrun said in Flight time not calculating wind:
So the same flight looks the same time at any departure time in the next 7 days?
Yes, because the computations are made by using ground speed.
@Gkikas-LGPZ Thanks for the answer,
I agree that computation is using ground speed (which is calculated by airspeed+-wind, no?). So, if you select a different departure time/date, it means that the wind should be different, and thus ground speed as well. So the time spent for the track/route should also be different.
No! Ground speed is provided by the user...
... by inserting the number in the window.
So you can have a raw flight time
For computing exact flight time, you must consider wind speed and direction at various flight levels, rate of climbing, different speeds at climb phase, cruise phase, descent phase, approach phase etc. -
it means that the wind should be different, and thus ground speed as well. So the time spent for the track/route should also be different.
The Route planner can’t take in account the effect of the wind on your planned speed because it depends on your plane. Windy does not know your plane and how it can be affect by the wind. I’m not a pilot but with a sail boat the problem is similar. The effect of the wind on your plane is not the same if you are in a motor glider or in a jet, I guess.
So you must factor in the effect of wind speed and its direction on your average predicted speed yourself. But then it comes a bit tricky when you get a tailwind during a part of the trip and a headwind during the other part.
So it would be useful to be able to specify the predicted speed of the mobile between each waypoints. -
Hey,I do not agree, (air)speed can be considered purely mathematically (no relation to the performance of the UAS / aircraft / sail... even though we can define those parameters there as well). No relation to the performance. So setting airspeed, and using wind model you can easily get the ground speed.
I got the answer from Gkikas, that by this setting you set the ground speed. So, no dilemma. However, it would be much more beneficial to be able to set the airspeed (which is an airplane performance-driven setting) and then use your nice mathematical wind model to get actual ground speed. This is user based point of view.
Thanks for the answer.