Currents and Tidal Currents not working
Recently Weather radar stopped working in Indonesia and Now Currents and Tidal Currents are not working there.
Re Weather, I was told Indo is not handing out data, but why do other apps have the data then?
Now currents - Any idea when they will be fixed?
Currents and Tidals currents are now working including in Indonesia.
Concerning Radar you know why there is an outage. -
Thanks for the currents answer.My question Re Weather Radar is why is it available in other apps but not Windy?
These apps do not display a real radar map like Windy does. They are radar-like images that are just rain forecasts.
You can verify this by noticing that they display radar images in the middle of the Pacific where there are obviously no weather radar installations. -
Thanks for the info I did not realize that.