Beginner developer query - possible dependency issue
I've followed the instructions on the documentation to fork the template github repo and clone it to my local device.
I have installed npm, node.js, and the latest version of leaflet.When I run the command "npm start" in my local repo fork dir, I have been getting the following error repeatedly, and I can't find a solution online. I'd imagine I might be be missing something as I am a beginner with Git and JS? Or is this an issue with the repo?
Can anybody help with this basic query? It would be much appreciated!
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i am now wondering if the version of node.js i am using is relevant - i have node 23.5.0 and npm 11.0 installed.
this thread suggests using node.js 18
You can make it work in windows, check out this thread:
Just ignore the ERROR in red, it will still occur, and does not matter. The problem is that the windy compiler cannot find the pluginConfig.ts file, on the windows platform.
@rittels perfect. thank you very much for pointing that one out