Remember altitude settings when toggling cloud and wind layers
When I am looking at a forecast and choose an altitude to evaluate wind, for example to 950 hPa, if I then toggle to Cloud layer, Satellite, or any other layer that does not have altitude, when I toggle back to wind, it shows wind at surface.
It would be good that it can "remember" our altitude setting for the analysis, so we can toggle between layer without having to change altitude each time we do it
Your idea is interesting, but I’m afraid that many users would forgot their previous setting. I remember one user complaining about excessive forecast wind speed... he just forgot his 300hPa setting -
To remember altitude settings when toggling cloud and wind layers, it's important to implement a feature that preserves the user's altitude preferences across different settings in your system or application. This can be done by storing the altitude values locally (e.g., in a session or a cookie) or in a configuration file, and ensuring that when the cloud and wind layers are toggled, the saved altitude settings are automatically reapplied. Additionally, this can be achieved by utilizing state management techniques, such as saving the altitude value in the application's state and restoring it when necessary, ensuring a seamless user experience.