Windyty will use new name: Windy
well done amazing job yours
Really nice looking app. Best so far. Great job. Keep it up. Windy is the way forward
Great, Bro! Thank you very much indeed for offering weather information for free of charge without ads. May you continue your project successfully! 🤗👍
This post is deleted! -
Hello guys;
just regestered and like to congratulate on the awesome work. I had a great chance on using "windy" on an IFR flight from New Jersey to central Florida. In constant comparison with radar return from cockpit garmin G1000, the accuracy of "windy" was just astonishing, including rain fall and winds aloft along our route. In Italy, where l fly as well, is just as good.
Bravi a tutti. -
Excelente aplicación, aportando en la toma de decisiones en los diferentes ámbitos, marítimos, aéreos y terrestres.
Pagina confiable y versátil.
Magnifica.Felicitaciones a los creadores por esta herramienta tecnológica.
Saludos desde el sur de Chile.
Hi guys
The web site is filltering
please solve this problem :( -
Best ever weather site!
And I've seen many, believe me.
Keep the good thing rollinng! -
I use windy regularly for flight planning. It is definitely better at predictions when looking days in advance then anything else out there. I have gotten at least 4 pilots hooked on using it for their planning. One word for it all...
skvělý!! -
@ivo Thank you for making this available to all of us.
Hi, Ivo!
"All your links and bookmarks will continue to work forever" - it doesn't work on PC. But on Android do. What the matter? -
@vyborisoff Sorry, I've changed browser . Ok.
Hi folks. That's easy to use app and very much data for users. Thank you very much. Have a question; haven't got a pro weather station in the house which is embedded for online but got a semi pro manuel setting one. How could i upload my local weather data on windy? Grettings from Istanbul☺
Fantastic work you all, thank you for your time and effort.... Big Windy wave to you all.
Hi I'm Kesavan from India தங்களின் சாதனையை வரவேற்கிறேன்
Brilliant software. The website is marginally more userfriendly than the android app. Any modification to the app on its way??
Greek Sailing -
Super☺👍good luck
Thank you Windy team your work is highly valued and a truly magnificent achievement. Supprised to hear that the English speaking nations struggle with the windyty - seems natural to me and I'm a uk citizen.