Windyty will use new name: Windy
I'm a professional yachtsman for 20 years and this site is by far the best thing I have come across for a long time. Great layout, beautiful to look at and gives me the global picture for my weather routing. Excellent work guys.
I like the new name.
(The solitaire game back in the screen it's all...LOL) -
Love it love it love it! Find myself staring at your screen with fascination - while I should be working! Nice job guys, thanks Mark
hola gente
2 letters less to type... on new devices :-)
Great work... Really cool.. thanks a lot...
Any plans for including skew-t? -
@Troxx What is skew t?
Great job boys!!!!!
Спасибо за Ваш труд! При слове ПОГОДА – только ВЕТРЕНО, и это надёжно! -
Congratulations on and for such a fantastic site. I need a Windy T-shirt & Coffee mug !!! I'll be the first in line.
Keep up the great work. -
Вы лучшие!! Летаем по вашему прогнозу в Анапе . you are best !! We fly according to your prediction in Russia the city of Anapa.
Good work thanks
This post is deleted! -
Great work guys, I didn't like the change from Windyty and it's good that the URL is yours now!
I've been using Windyty at home and at work for nearly two years among a professional aviation community and everyone that sees it is very impressed.
I love all the tweaks that have come along in the time I've been using the app.
Keep innovating! -
@pilotbloke replying to myself, wanted to thank the Pilots at the Armed Forces of Malta Air Wing for introducing me to @windy-com Windyty while I was working alongside them
@ivo its a diagram that shows temp. dew-point and winds aloft (in a certain place).. Its very usefull for prediction of instability (convective clouds), hail, fog etc.
Take a look at skew-T from GFS model are shown here plot&hydrometeors=false&start=latest
.... Alan Walls has made a great Skew-T app for Android -
Windy says it all and you guys are providing an excellent weather watch station and service. It really is very much appreciated and keep up your great work. 👍
well done amazing job yours
Really nice looking app. Best so far. Great job. Keep it up. Windy is the way forward
Great, Bro! Thank you very much indeed for offering weather information for free of charge without ads. May you continue your project successfully! 🤗👍