Snow Depth Total
I love your app, and I am a paying subscriber. I use and refer to your app often in my weather group. I would like to make the suggestion of breaking down the Snow Depth totals a bit more.
The key jumps from 4 inches to 20 inches. That is a very wide range. Most big snow events will fall within that range between 4 and 20. In my area, anything over 5 inches is considered a significant amount of snow that could disrupt travel, etc.
With the current set-up it is difficult to determine a more accurate number after 4 inches due to having such little color variation, and due to a lack of numbers between the 4 and 20. It would be very helpful to see it broken down to include more color variation for snow depth between the 4 and 20, and to have 8, 12 and 16 inch markers between the 4 and 20. Thank you. Keep up the great work!
@LThom75 You can edit the "Color Scale" for "New Snow" and this will also be reflected in the Snow Depth layer.
On the website:
- Settings
- all the way at the bottom, Customize color scale
- select overlay dropdown box, "New snow [snow]"
You can create your own scale entirely, even add new values.
It should say "modified" beside it once you've saved a new color scale.Once you're happy with your creation you can click "import/export" and share the data in your group and then they can click the same "import/export" on their end and just paste the lines in.
@Wheats I am playing with it now. I think the key set-up still makes it challenging to read the key when I try breaking it down by 2 inch intervals, but it is a bit better. Learn something new every day! Thank you. :)
@LThom75 not a problem, glad I was helpful.
Honestly I hardly look at the key I always just click the map and move the dot around. Probably for that reason now that I think about it..
But I know there are ways to customize the scale enough to where it's quite distinct to look at - but I'm not a colour scale expert so not much help in that regard.
@Wheats I changed it to intervals of 4 with very distinct color differences. It helped only a little bit on the key, but I have very distinct differences on the maps now. I will just have to look back at my settings for a while until I get my new colors memorized, or make my own key. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.
Please could you show a screenshot of your customised layer. It could be interesting for other users. -
Here's is mine with examples
Dark blue starts around 4 inches (10cm), the pink/purple colours begin at 6 inches (15cm).
Vivid pink at 12 inches (30cm) and red at 2ft (60cm).Here's the code below to import it:
[1025.6516525699935,[202,227,153,255]]] -
Very interesting. Thank you !
I'm using it but with small modification to suit a scale in Metric System.