Late data for North American Radiosonde Sites
Recently there seems to be an 18+ hour delay on displaying US and Canadian Radiosonde flight data. For example it is now Jan 7 1900UTC but the most recent flight available is from Jan 6 0000UTC. This means that for almost all Canada and USA the most recent 3 radiosonde flights are missing (except a couple on the east Coast like Halifax/73110 and St Johns/71802).
All the missing/late flights seem to be in fm85/net CDF format, but these two sites (mentioned above) show fm94/BUFR format. I wonder if this has something to do with it? Isn't all North American radiosonde data now sent out in BUFR format?
Can this be fixed so that the most recent radiosonde flights for Canada and USA are shown, please?
@Andy612 Do you see this issue on all radiosondes in US and Canada or only certain ones?
@Suty All radiosondes in Canada and USA except the ones listed (Halifax/73110 and St Johns/71802).
@Andy612 Seems like globally all the "fm85/net CDF" sites are late, some examples in Europe are Wroclaw I 12425, and Liba 12120; and there are many more in Asia and Africa.
@Andy612 I already forwarded the issue to colleagues. It looks like we don't get any data from MADIS as the source for these stations.