Weather radar coverage in Greece
Dear all,
for the time being weather radar coverage over Greece is limited (Creta and Aegean Sea islands). I would like to inform you that, recently a private company ( provides free of charge at their google app (Weather Radar Alert) image of two weather radars at North and Central Greece. Please, consider to incorporate that image in Windy.
Hi @stelar1967, we tried negotiating a deal with 3D S.A. company with no luck. Unfortunately, we cannot just use the data they provide in a google app, since it would most likely mean using it illegally. But as far as I know, Hellenic Met Service of Greece is upgrading their radar network and there should be some data available, most likely in the timeframe of 2026.
More info about Greek radars is available in this and this thread.
@Filip_K please delete my resent post at F.A.Q.
I didn't knew that there was a post about Greece radar problem, sorry. I take the info i need. -
Hi @Filip_K , since there was an upgrade to the Hellenic National Meteorology service portal, they didn't manage to include radar data. Instead, I found the link to the data from the old portal that is still active: 08:15 -
The link is active but radars are out of service.
@Gkikas-LGPZ as usual... sometimes presents some data but most of the time out of service... I'm wondering why, after the Thessaly floods, they didn't manage to organize a decent full weather radar coverage for Greece. I recently discovered Turkish radars ( and it's hard to tell but I felt so disappointed for my Country.