Advanced Widget Settings for Sea Temperatures?
Hello! I'm trying to get to advanced widget settings for Sea Temperatures- is that something I can access? I only see a few options for the advanced widget category.
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As you can see, if I hit the share button from the main screen when viewing sea temps, it shows me a widget, but all I need to do is resize it and I lose the sea temps option when I enter the advanced settings.
Ivo, would it be possible for me to customize a sea temp widget like that?
I should also note this would be displayed at a high-traffic marina in Ocean City Maryland- thousands of fisherman would have access to it!
Well can be done in some next update. Not a priority though
That's great news! Thanks a bunch- we are really hoping to be able to display that data to our fishermen. Do you have any idea when the update would be?
@ivo I should also mention that Sunset Marina offers a sponsorship program for brands to reach our customers, through different marketing methods and our several Signage TV's (also where the sea temp data would be located). If that's something Windy would be interested in, we could certainly trade sponsorship for the widgets/features! It may help Windy reach some customers that may not be familiar with Windy! I could send over our sponsorship packet if you could provide me with an e-mail!
@ivo Is there anyway possible that we could get this? I understand you have more pressing things to work on, but I'd really appreciate it and our customers would love it!