Low genesis
I would be interested to understand the origin of this low which is sitting since several days around the north of Tunisia.
It doesn't look like a classis 'Genoa low' and I would like to understand it better.
Can anyone explain?
Thank you in advance.
This Low is likely a cut-off low as described in this articleBeginning of this week, according to ECMWF, the jet stream at 200 hPa level was meandering from Scandinavia down to North Africa.
At mid of troposphere near 500 hPa level, at the end of the trough, the flow with a cyclonic curvature over Mediterranean Sea created a low at sea level.
Today this low is cut off from the synoptic circulation.
You can check it on Windy with the wind at 500 hPa level and with geopotential height isolines.
@idefix37 Great! Thank you for the explanation!
@idefix37 In italian this translate literally into 'goccia fredda'