Wind Speed Colo
When is selected the view WAVE & TIDE the wind speeed color of the "wind gusts" is shown the same color than the "wind", instead to show the "wind gust" color.
When is selected the view BASIC, boht colors "wind gusts" and "wind" are shown correctly.As you can see in the screeshots below, for example on sunday 26 ay 10:00 in the BASIC VIEW the "wind" is 11knots and the color is green, the "wind gusts" is 19knots and the color is orange, but in the WAVE & TIDE view the the "wind gusts" is green instead to be orange. This happens in all the times, the correct "wind gusts" color is lost and is the same than the "wind" color.
This is probably because there is not so much space between text lines in the Wave&Tide panel.