Celsius showing as Fahrenheit
Hi, The problem is happening when I make an embed and set the temp to Celsius (C).
All looks fine in settings but on the website, the embed shows temperatures in Fahrenheit (F) for some people (screenshots below).
Tested with 5 people on Chrome browsers: 3 see F, 2 see C.
All using Chrome. None logged in to Windy.
width="650" height="450" src="https://embed.windy.com/embed.html?type=map&location=coordinates&metricRain=mm&metricTemp=°C&metricWind=km/h&zoom=5&overlay=temp&product=ecmwf&level=surface&lat=-27.535&lon=153.004" frameborder="0"
Screenshot of settings:
I can see others in the forum having similar issues. Is this a known bug? Thank you.
@Katie-Burns Hi, are these people from the same country? Which one?
@Suty Hi Suty, we are all in Australia.
@Katie-Burns Okay and do those users, who have these issues, use Windy.com with Fahrenheits? Can you please check that?
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