No 1h forecast in app
Hi Windy people,
I am on a premium plan and used to see 1h forecasts in the app. Since a few weeks the app sometimes switches to 3h and I cannot get to see 1h forecasts for a while.
Any idea?Thanks!
Target: mobile.html
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Hello @g-funk ,
do you have iOS or Android app?
Can you provide a screenshot for us? I assume, that you are logged in, but you don't have access to premium features, am I right? -
Click on a location
Right click "forecast for this location"
then ...
@SimonUrbanek thanks for the quick response. This is on an Android phone. All the other premium stuff works.
For 1 hour you need to press 3 hours.
Not very intuitive. -
@idefix37 truely not intuitive. 😅
I tried. Sometimes it works sometimes not.
I know that it's the worst, if it's not repeatable, but this is, what it is