Superimpose maps
Would it be possible to superimpose two maps, for example that of isohypses at 500ha and that of temperatures at the same pressure?
In this case, it would be helpfull for the basemap to be colorless and the two types of lines to be of different color.
Thank you -
At a minimum, you can superimpose the geopotential height isolines (isohypses) and the temperature layer at 500hPa level.w/customized color scale
Ok, my example is not the best.
What I'd like to surimpose are, for example, isobares at sea level and isohypses at 500 Hp. -
I had asked a few years ago for a colored layer of geopotential heights at different levels, including 500hPa. This would allow to show at the same time the isobars. Same:
But I was not heard
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