Safari does stops while loading map on mac
I know there have been other discussions about this, if there is a solution please let me know. I did screen capture the error panel in Safari which may be of some help since it identifies an issue.
A couple things:
- This has been going on for some time through previous macos versions, I am currently running 15.2.
- It does this in both regular and private mode.
- It works find on both Brave and Firefox. I am told it works on Chrome but i refuse to use that app for privacy reasons.
There are no plug in's or special security software running with Safari.
It basically loads a blank grey map then stops. In case the image does not load here is the error message:
! v Unable to bootstrap Leaflet & Windy core:
• v TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'vu.NO ERROR')
[f (anonymous function) - index.js: 1:232775
[f (anonymous function) - index.js: 1:302963
@menard77 Hi, thank you for detailed explanation I will investigate the issue further on the same version as you mentioned.
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