Question about the Bearing shown in 'Distance and Planning'
I cant seem to find the answer to this anywhere; does anyone else know?
If I use the 'Distance & Planning' tool, and draw a line on the map, I can then look at the bearing between Point 1 and Point 2.
Is this bearing 'True', or is it a Magnetic bearing?
I would assume 'True', but I cannot find info either way.This feature is useful in triangulating a bushfire, but results get a bit confusing if our compasses are seeing a different bearing to Windy(magnetic variation)..
All I would like to know, is whether the bearing in this tool is displaying 'True' or Magnetic.
And I would suggest it might be useful to have this info shown somewhere?Thanks in advance.
All bearings and directions in Windy are True, in the Distance & planning feature and for wind, waves or currents, directions in models forecast or in weather stations reports. These directions are never displayed in Magnetic directions in Windy. -
@idefix37 said in Question about the Bearing shown in 'Distance and Planning':
All bearings and directions in Windy are True, in the Distance & planning feature and for wind, waves or currents, directions in models forecast or in weather stations reports. These directions are never displayed in Magnetic directions in Windy.Many thanks for the clarification.
However, would it be hard for Windy to state clearly somewhere that any direction/bearing they display is 'True'?
Just a suggestion; I note that distance, temp, height and nigh-on all other standards of measurement are defined, but no clear indication on what direction standard is being used.
Thanks again,
Windy is a weather app. I don't remember finding a weather app or a weather map with directions displayed in magnetic. Check it with NOAA or ECMWF documents. When they show wind directions they don’t mention ‘True’ or ‘Magnetic’. -
@idefix37 said in Question about the Bearing shown in 'Distance and Planning':
Windy is a weather app. I don't remember finding a weather app or a weather map with directions displayed in magnetic. Check it with NOAA or ECMWF documents. When they show wind directions they don’t mention ‘True’ or ‘Magnetic’."Windy is a Weather app."
And yet, they have a layer for bushfires, smoke, dust, solar power, NO2, and they even have an 'Outdoor' map.So, OBVIOUSLY; Windy is planned to be MUCH MORE than a weather app.
Indeed; the versatility that Windy shows, is why I persevere with it.I'm not asking for the world; simply that when bearings are listed on the 'Distance & planning' option, it includes a mention that the 'Bearing' is clearly indicated as being 'True'.
It means that people utilising these features, have a clear understanding as to what they are using.
Too much to ask??