Rüzgar hızı
Rüzgar hızının 0 olduğu alanlar neden görünmüyor.
This color shows places where 'no wind' is expected.
Or do you want to see 'no wind' reported by weather stations ?
In an area with low wind speed, even if a weather station displays 1 ou 2 km/h, look at wind detail (the wind speed curve) reported by this WX station. You will find when it was displaying 0 km/h.As Wind is the averaged wind speed over 10 minutes you understand it is not so common to report no wind over a time frame of 10 minutes.
So you see that some WX stations display no wind ! -
@idefix37 said in Rüzgar hızı:
So you see that some WX stations display no wind !I made that. Actually it was 4.
I idefix37 referenced this topic
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