Routing error with time.
In routing for a boat. I set the top bar starting time then I click on bottom bay to see where I should be located at different points the time on the points is all over the place. I can click back and forth and keep getting different times of arrival at point on the line. Like 4 pm is before 3 pm. Then it changes to something else. And 6pm. Is before 3 pm. That if I continue clicking in the time line it seems to be normal but if I change location it is wacky again .
I can’t seem to be able to add pictures here to show you. -
To show a screenshot -
I am getting the same issueBefore WP5 it displays 14.00 (2PM)
After WP5 it displays 12.00 (12PM), for same day.
Same in the mobile app and on the web version.
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