Weathermodel changes trough Widgetstart / Satelliteview while zooming in
Hello dear windy team,
- Question
Is there a workaround or a way to fix that the weather model selected in the widget is identical to the app layer when I start it from the widget?
I prefer the Icon D2 weather model because it provides the most accurate forecasts for my location and have also stored this in the widget.
If I start the app from the Widget, the app automatically switches to the ECMWF model.
This makes no sense to me and makes an annoying additional click necessary every time to set up the data as I need it.
- Question
In a previous Version the map changed to Satelliteview when zooming in.
Is it possible to choose this Feature in the settings?
Jan - Question
@Groberspass Hi, we are planning to add the option to choose the default model in one of our next updates.
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