Notifications not coming through
I have the same issue since separating Alerts and Notifications. I no longer receive notifications on my iOS devices. And the red bars no longer appear in the local forecast tables.
@Gianluca-Caddeo Can you also share the screenshot from your notifications section? Do you see the red line, where your alert conditions are met?
@Suty when i click in alert, i have the error.
I sent you the screenshot
thx -
@Gianluca-Caddeo Can you please visit in the browser (desktop, mobile, doesn't matter where) and check if the same issue is there as well in your account?
@Suty i have visited windy on pc and same problem....
@Gianluca-Caddeo Hi, we checked your situation and you don't have any alerts set right now. Can you please create a new alert and check that section once again?
@Suty how i do it? thx and sorry
@Gianluca-Caddeo You can search for the location or select it on the map and then you can use this button.
Snímek?obrazovky 2025-01-31 v 5.30.15.jpeg
I should add to my post above that I have several Alerts set.
But could the problem be with the iOS system because I no longer see Windy in the list of apps to set notifications in my iOS devices ? -
@idefix37 Oh, I see that. I will discuss it with our iOS developer to get further info.
To be more clear, I get the red bars in the list of notifications but nothing more. -
I idefix37 referenced this topic
@idefix37 Hi, could you please try to manage these steps Menu --> Error console --> Native apps --> Check notif permissions?
It should initialize the Notification permission and then you should be able to see that under Windy settings. Also the registrationHash should be visible in the app under the Check notif permissions button.
Thank you !
The steps you explained restored Windy in iOS settings for notifications. So I should get notifications back as before. -
@idefix37 Perfect, thank you for your info!
After the meeting with colleagues, it seems there is a bug, when the app doesn't automatically ask for the notifications permission after the installation, however, it will be solved in version 45, which is planned to be tested in upcoming days.