Haritada rüzgar durumu
Önceki haritalarda şehirlerin rüzgar durumu 0 (sıfır) olduğunda rakamla 0 (sıfır) olarak veriliyordu. Neden göremiyorum.
@ismailgurbuzkara Where exactly do you miss this?
@Suty said in Haritada rüzgar durumu:
@ismailgurbuzkara Where exactly do you m
For example; There is a 0 instead of the number 4 indicated by the arrow. When the wind was 0, 0 was shown on the map.
If this helps you understand what this user means.
Personally I can’t. -
@ismailgurbuzkara When the wind is being reported as 0, the map shows 0.
Are you saying you know for a fact that the station you point to is actually reporting 0 wind speed and yet it's showing 4 on the map?
No. It showed the areas where there was no wind with zeros (numbers). But now I can see with colors.
@ismailgurbuzkara Trying really hard to help out here lol.
So you see a zero, and yet there are colours... Are you talking about the colour on the map layer?If you're talking about the colour on the map layer, then that data is from a guidance model so it won't necessarily reflect what is actually being recorded by the weather stations.
Meaning...the colours on the map layers are computed, the arrow with the number is reported from actual measurements.
@ismailgurbuzkara Please if you still don't have an answer you need, please explain what exactly you mean. As @Wheats already said, you probably compare two different values, values on the map and of the color, with reports from personal weather stations.