We have started sending the Alerts. Help us to find all the bugs
It is very hard to develop html email for so many email clients. All the bugs related to Alerts here.
@ivo Es posible que la página web
esté temporalmente inactiva o que se haya trasladado definitivamente a otra dirección. -
@ivo Hi Ivo, alerts doesn't work, a few days ago I fixed two different alerts with different parameters and until now I didn't receive any. Thanks for your help.
Please send me ID or name of your alert to investigate. Or screenshot of your alert
@ivo Hi Ivo, you have my message request on your personal Facebook page as I do not want to disclose the bug in public. Seek message from Tomas.
@Michal90 I have opened chat here on community.windy.com
In the email (google.com) is overlapping text, details are in screenshots: -
I have an alert set up for Bridgend (paragliding site) for NE / E.
and just got an alert for this site by email.
Which doesn't quite match the wind direction specified.. Any ideas or is it something I have mis-configured?
Hi, I've the same bug here... Alert set for rather east wind, but sending emails on southerly
Other alert that I've set is working fine
@ku.ba I will check it tomorrow
The bug regarding bad direction match have been FOUND AND FIXED
// check if integer is in dir array // dir = 275.6 // directions = [ 'E','SW','W','NW' ] var compareDirections = (dir,directions) => { const dir2dir = ['N','NE','E','SE','S','SW','W','NW','N'] if(!directions.length) return true var index = Math.floor( ( +dir + 22.5 ) / 45 ) // returns 0 .. 8 return directions.indexOf( dir2dir[ index ] ) > -1 }
Great, thanks @ivo
Started seeing some Alerts a few days ago. I find that the forecast alerts are given way too far in advance. In my area even the best forecasts can change the same day so I never check the forecast beyond 24 hours in advance. In fact, the first alert I got completely changed by the time I saw the email later in the day. I do like how easy it is to keep up to date with a changing forecast for any given alert through the link to a detailed forecast in the email.
Could there be an option to select how much advance notice to get. I like 24 hours or less.
good idea
Myanmar Font is not correct and cannot read . Plz use English word For Myanmar city . For Example ပခုကၠဴ or pakokku .. it is a font that we can read . Thz
in the german alert mail there is written
"ein GROSSER Tag in Schönefeld steht bevor"
means in english: a GREAT day in schoenefeld is coming
GREAT day?
not shure what you want to say..but GREAT in case of storm??
My spot is "Rosario - Argentina"; I-ve posted for an Alert; It Was accuratted, except that the Name of the Spot founded to be "Lourdes" instead of Rosario!. Was funny, but if it helps you, that was my only "bug" found.