About Windy
Hi did I miss something? Suddenly I am not able to see direction of wind in degrees. In past there were always something like 220° 3.3 m/s, but now I can see only direction in form of south, southhwest,.... I did not found any kind of setting that it can change it back. Please can you change it or make it optional. Thanks
@osmera There is setting in "Advanced settings"
What does ms stand for?!
wind speed in meters per second (m/s).
P.S. at "settings" you can choose : knots, miles per hour (mph), Beaufort (bft), kilometers per hour (km/h). -
@meteo-gr Changing the units in Settings has no effect on the screen overlay. It continues to show the speed as 7ms, for example, even when the units are mph.
Thank you for this app ... it's quite fantastic (I'm a sailor) ... I'm sure it will only get better and better and thank you for all the fine work and dedication ... let us know how we can help ...
@ivo I downloaded the app almost 2 years ago, and at a later date was given the choice to contribute money to help develop the new app and receive Pro included in that donation price. I believe I did send the money, but can't seem to log in and receive the Pro features. Can you send me someone to help troubleshoot?
Griffin -
@griffgo4th windy doesn't have a pro version.. This are all Fakes in the store
Hi Lvo!!!
First let me start with that, you have a great program And I love to use it.I have a question :
Is there a possibility to make a combined map of H500 with SLP? -
Modele nems error. No actual
@delabo Thank you for notice. We are working on it. It seems that there is a problem at data provider's server.
Since I was a child I have been addicted to weather forecast. As a child I draw weather constellation (High and Low pressure areas an areas of rain) on sheet. However, there were no dynamic on sheet. But the dynamic is the most fascinating thing regarding the weather forecast.
This is the first time you can see the dynamic dimension of weather at different layers and even on a global level. In the past there were only screens where you have to jump to different times in the future (e.g. +20h / +24h).
For me the dynamic animation is a unique selling point and the next step in the development of weather forecast. But probably you have to look into the professional sector. If you want some advice from my perspective do not hesitate to contact me.
Remove my location
Hi, This is the best wind direction and speed software I have seen. I was told about it during the tropical hurricane. I am from the island of Antigua, living in Homestead Florida. Do hope to use it next year, thank you again.
Gerard Barreto -
Dear Windy team, I learned about your site in the "hangar" forum of www.ulm.it where a user shared your link. I am gratefull to this user because it is a valuable tool for medium and long distance flight planning and I think all air navigation service providers (ASNP) should include it in their meteo service. I will suggest it to our national ANSP.
Furthermore it seem to me a tool which allows to better explain meteorology and to transmit the fascination of weather charts.Congratulation to your exploit!
Toni -
Very very well job. The site is very useful.
Thank you very much.Could you add please, for example, K-index for convection, we have only CAPE, which is for the local-summer type convection. K-index is very good for all convections for Cb thunderstorm...
All the best. :)
I absolutely love it! I'm a multi-engine pilot, skier, snowboarder and scuba diver who lives half time in the Teton Mountains of Idaho & Wyoming, and half time on a small island in Thailand. Winds (surface & aloft), Waves, Swells, Forecasts, etc. is everything I need in one place. And very sexy graphics, too! Thank you!! Keep it small and fast!!
you are amazing
can you write your email adress?
thank you
Danny Roup
Israel -
Thank you very much.
Hey man, just wanted to drop by and say thanks or the app. It's perfect. Everything I would want from an app, it has. I sometimes spends hours just looking through different layers. And as a pilot it's awesome for visualising the weather plus just about everything else. Cheers again !